Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Pictures from Eastern Shore

 I like spiderwebs on trees, it reminds us that bugs are EVERYWHERE, not just in corners of our homes.

Sometimes it's just art.

A bird's nest on the VERY top of a tree.

Some squash has overgrown at the Delaware  Botanic Garden.

Richard smelling burnt posies.

A possible floral background.

A flower angling for something more.

 A bee working on a sunflower

Wallpaper options:

The ocean:

One of the wild horses at Assateague

Swans at Assateague

Horses at Assateague Island Seashore

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Geese on the East River

The geese at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden are MIA.  While I was out on my After Lunch Constitutional by the East River I heard some honking.

Sure, you can say they weren't talking to me, but you can't prove they weren't!

Monday, April 22, 2024


 I went to Rome!   So I could have a picture of me taken in front of the basement of the Colosseum, where they kept the gladiators, prisoners and wild animals that would fight to the death for the audience's amusement..

A shot of the Colosseum from the outside.

A shot of the Colosseum from the mildly expensive seats.

A view of Constantine's Arch built to celebrate Constantine's victory of Maxentius in 312 CE.

Everyone steals from everyone;  this is an Egyptian obelisk outside the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, near where we were staying.


There's an Archeology Museum that's built right next door to archeological digs.

This is the fountain at the end of the Via Nazionale (where I was staying).

Friday, December 29, 2023

A Lone Goose

 You've seen my pictures from the East River.  Recently one of the geese has been trying to make friends on land.

This goose has an agent and was not happy I was sneaking around taking pictures of him.


What is he doing out of the water?   Waiting for someone to bring him lunch?

Is he looking for protein, perhaps?

Monday, December 4, 2023

Theatening storms in a calm winter sky

 Monday lunch with the 59th Street Bridge.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Making a friend interrupted

I was on my way to work yesterday morning when I saw this tree.  I thought the twisted root looked interesting, and stopped to take a picture.  A woman and her dog were walking in front of me, but the woman had to stop to clean up the purpose of their walk.
While the woman was bending over with a plastic bag, the dog attempted to introduce himself, to tell me he likes that tree trunk too, and he never uses that spot because he doesn't want to offend the tree.

I thought about asking the owner if I could take a picture of her dog, but it was barely a quarter past 8 in the morning on a Saturday.  I figured the woman might be looking forward to going back to sleep after having taken her dog out for a walk.  Or the dog owner might want to talk, not knowing that I was on my way to work and barely had enough time to be distracted to take a picture of this tree, never mind make friends with people who are only neighbors of my employer.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

A week in Virginia

 A deer by the side of the road.

A more shy deer.


How much ground does a groundhog hog?  We saw this little guy crawl under the dock and he hid there for a while before venturing out.



I don't think groundhogs hog the ground at all.  They give each other space.

Here are more wallpaper options..

Goth wallpaper

I don't know if this is also goth wallpaper, or if this is where the giant took a few steps.

A Rorschach test under the influence.

But did anyone HEAR it?